GAMES101 10 Geometry 1 Introduction
Lecture 10 Geometry 1 Introduction 几何
- About how to describe a stuff by geometry.
- A string -> fiber->ply->thread
- very complex geometry: a city a dog .etc
- Not every geometry can be described as triangles.
- Many Ways to Represent Geometry
- Implicit: 隐式
- points satisfy some specified relationship, E.g. sphere:all points in 3D, where $x^2+y^2+z^2=1$
- more generally, $f(x,y,z)=0$
- Implict Surface: Sampling can be hard,
Inside/Outside tests is easy.
- Explicit: 显式
- All points are given directly or via parameter mapping
- 全部用三角形表示出来
- 或者用参数映射的方法 $f(u,v)=((2+cos u)cos v,(2+cos u)sin v, sin u)$, 每一个uv测一遍,uv 映射成x,y,z
- Sample简单,inside/outside相对麻烦
- Implicit: 隐式
- CSG (constructive solid geometry) (implicit)
- combine inplicit geometry via boolean operatioins
- E.g. a is a cubic, b is a sphere. (a+b) can get a new stuff.
- Distance Function (implicit)
- instead of booleans, gradually blend surfaces together using Distance functions: giving minimum distance could be signed(有向) distance from anywhere to object
Fractals (implicit) 分形
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