GAMES101 13 Ray Tracing 1 Whitted-Style
13 Ray Tracing 1 Whitted-Style
Shadow Mapping before we move on
Whitted-Style Ray Tracing
Why Ray Tracing?
- Rasterization couldn’t handle global effects well
- Soft shadow
- Light bounces more than once
- Ray Tracing is accurate, but is very slow
- Rasterization: real-time, ray tracing: offline
- ~10k CPU core hours to render one frame in production.
- Light Rays:
- Light travels in straight lines 直线传播
- Light rays do not collide with each other if they cross 不相互影响
- Light rays travel from the light sources to the eye (but the physics is invariant under the path reversal - reciprocity) 光路可逆
- Ray Casting
- Generate an image by casting one ray per pixel.
- Check forshadows by sending a ray to the light.
- Recursive (Whitted-Style) Ray Tracing
- 从像素出发,折射再反射,每个点看一下是否有光,每次都着色。
- 过曝?每次都用一定的百分比衰减
- 术语:primary ray, secondary ray, shadow ray …
- 技术问题:
- Ray-surface intersection 光线和物体表面怎么求
- Ray Equation:
- Ray is defined by its origin and a dierction vector.$Ray:R(t)=O+td$
- Ray Intersection With Sphere
- Ray Intersection with Triangle Mesh
- Rendering: visibility shadows lighting
- Geometry: inside/outside
- Method: Triangle is in a plane.
- Plane: a normal vector and a point in the plane
- if a point p in the plane: $(p-p’)\cdot \vec{N} = 0$
- MT Algorithm: t,b1,b2 的线性方程组
- Ray Tracing - Performance Challenges
- Too Slow
- Ray Equation:
- Ray-surface intersection 光线和物体表面怎么求
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